Thursday, April 25, 2013

Tinder (18 To Observe; 21+ To Drink)

The app Tinder is basically the idea of "Hot or Not," from the Facebook Movie, "Social Network." If you find someone of your interest, and they find you "interesting," the app allows you to chat, exchange contact info and more.
To be honest I feel it's another "Hey Lets Fuck App," but that's just me...
Thus far, my matches have been good. The problem is I def have passed on people by accident; accidentally hitting the infamous "X" button

Other Online Ventures

I think I have more success with this app than Fuckbook (where they make you pay for conversation between people you are interested in), OK Cupid! and Plenty of Fish.
I have heard crazy stories of women finding men, or vise verse, and they drive some where and you know the rest.
I'm not saying I haven't had a one night stand, but usually with a friend I have known for a little bit of time. Like less than .045% this will actually happen with a stranger.


Who are strangers anymore? I mean most people have tended to the idea of transparency. But BEWARE, there are some assholes and whores, and NUT-SO's out there.



TO end with the warm weather near and dear to my heart... but I am sitting next to the window and it's warm as HELL out!

AC/DC - "Have A Drink On Me"

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